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Markdown Syntax Guide

Master Markdown formatting to create beautiful documentation and text content

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. Created by John Gruber in 2004, Markdown is now one of the world's most popular markup languages.

# Heading 1Main heading# WelcomeLarge main heading text
## Heading 2Sub-heading## Chapter 1Smaller sub-heading text
**text**Bold text**important**important
*text*Italic text*emphasized*emphasized
[link](url)Hyperlink[Google](https://google.com)Clickable link to Google
* itemUnordered list* First * SecondBulleted list
1. itemOrdered list1. First 2. SecondNumbered list
> textBlockquote> Important quoteIndented blockquote
`code`Inline code`var x = 10;`Monospaced code text
``` code block ```Code block``` function hello() { return "Hi"; }```Multi-line code block
---Horizontal rule---Horizontal line
![alt](image-url)Image![Logo](logo.png)Embedded image

Tips for Writing Markdown

1. Use consistent heading levels for proper document structure

2. Add blank lines before and after headings for better readability

3. Indent nested lists with spaces for proper formatting

4. Use reference-style links for better maintainability in longer documents

5. Preview your Markdown while writing to ensure correct formatting

Note: Some Markdown processors might support additional syntax or have slight variations in how certain elements are rendered.